
Look at the technology

From M/C Journal, Gerard Michael Goggin (Sydney): List Media: The Telephone Directory and the Arranging of Names; and Jean Burgess and Axel Bruns (QUT): Twitter Archives and the Challenges of "Big Social Data" for Media and Communication Research. Gil Press on 10 Big Data sites to watch: The websites that are changing the way we understand everything from higher education to climate patterns. PJ Ray on how the fetishization of low-tech is about the illusion of agency; it provides affirmation for the hipster whose identity is defined by the post-Modern imperative to be an individual, to be unique (and a response). Could someone really destroy the whole Internet? George Dvorsky wants to know. Evgeny Morozov discusses the relationship between technology and authoritarianism — and says "philosophers of technology completely missed the train on the internet". Jaron Lanier on unmasking the Great and Powerful Oz of Technology. Google’s data centers: On Where the Internet Lives, a new site featuring beautiful photographs by Connie Zhou, you’ll get a never-before-seen look at the technology, the people and the places that keep Google running.