
The New York auteur is back

Their New York Film Festival: Baumbach, Schnabel, Anderson, the Coens! When was the last time the New York Film Festival could claim bragging rights to such an impressive roster of local talent? The New York auteur is back. The world of film festivals: There are festivals for every audience, every taste, if only you know how to find them. Completely Immaterial: Steven Spielberg gets insulted, and the town goes insane. A review of Hollywood Undercover: Revealing the Sordid Secrets of Tinseltown by Ian Halperin. An interview with Kristin Thompson, author of The Frodo Franchise: The Lord of the Rings and Modern Hollywood. Despite the movie business's reputation for waste and excess, there are few places more ruthlessly scheduled, more efficiently choreographed than a film set. Unless that set happens to be in Russia.