
What drives Naomi Klein?

From Democracy Now!, Alan Greenspan and Naomi Klein debate the Iraq war, Bush's tax cuts, economic populism, and crony capitalism. Klein reviews Greenspan’s The Age of Turbulence. What drives Naomi Klein? He critique of "disaster capitalism" will echo around the world -– but its roots lie in a scandal close to her Canadian home. Every catastrophe is an opportunity: More and more and more and more and more and more and more and more on The Shock Doctrine. [The latest issue of Bookforum includes a review of The Shock Doctrine.] Does Klein oversimplify the connections between globalization and war? From the Brown Journal of World Affairs (registration required), an interview with Daron Acemoglu on globalization and inequality; and an interview with Kenneth Rogoff on adapting to globalization; and an interview with Michael Hardt on welcoming the Multitude.