
Something different

A new issue of Lo Squaderno is out. Jeremy C Bradley (LSBF): Virginia Woolf and the Judicial Imagination. From The Brooklyn Rail, against a narcotic culture whose primary desire is stupefaction: Andrea Scrima interviews Rainer J. Hanshe, founder of Contra Mundum Press; and Gabriel Don interviews Elizabeth Koke and Amy Scholder, editors of Pussy Riot! A Punk Prayer for Freedom. Why you might never have married the love of your life without books. To teach evolution, you have to understand creationists. In Funds We Trust: James Surowiecki on the debate over entitlement funding. Joanne Silberner on morphine, the cheap, effective pain-relief drug denied to millions. Olivia Harrison reviews Parting Ways: Jewishness and the Critique of Zionism by Judith Butler. Could boredom be curable? An elusive human annoyance may finally be yielding its secrets. Flourishing within the limits: John D. Thomson on prosperity with growth. There are some DIY publications that more than compensate for the rest, and can be relied upon to deliver not only quality, but something different as well — Paraphilia magazine is up there with the best of them.