
Kicking the can down the road

Pakistan’s leaders received a powerful one-two punch Tuesday as the Supreme Court ordered the arrest of the prime minister in a corruption case and a firebrand cleric led thousands of protesters in a second day of anti-government demonstrations in the capital. Joshua Spivak on why Democratic presidents keep choosing Republicans as their defense chiefs. “Survival of the wrongest”: David H. Freedman on how personal-health journalism ignores the fundamental pitfalls baked into all scientific research and serves up a daily diet of unreliable information. Scared of genetically modified food? It might be the only way to feed the world. How game theory explains Washington's horrible gridlock: Mohamed A. El-Erian on why Congress can't even reach a mini-bargain — and why kicking the can down the road will remain the most likely outcome. Is the global economic establishment taking a progressive turn? William Greider on how a recent conference at the influential Peterson Institute began to acknowledge inhumanities that globalization boosters have long ignored. Why are conservatives obsessed with making women breed?