
The cutting edge of evangelism

From Christianity Today, an evangelical critique of An Evangelical Declaration Against Torture. Go and plant churches of all peoples: Crusades and personal witnessing are no longer the cutting edge of evangelism. Trivial, obsessed by celebrity, damaging to children and marked by a moral vacuum. That's how the Archbishop of Canterbury sees modern society as he takes steps into the political forum. An essay on the Pope and the ethics of exclusion. From The American Prospect, a review of The Stillborn God: Religion Politics, and the Modern West by Mark Lilla and A Secular Age by Charles Taylor. A review of God Is Not Great by Christopher Hitchens. From Dissent, an interview with Mitchell Cohen on the new atheism. From Forward, an article on the new atheism: What’s a liberal, spiritual Jew to do? Faith or fact? The symbolism of religion conveyed by journalism.