
Is there a conservative/libertarian divide?

From The American Conservative, for Buckley and Kirk, conservatism was a way of life. Chronicling the conservatives: Derek Turner reviews The Conservatives: A History by Robin Harris. Baby Kristol: Yuval Levin is the right’s new favorite intellectual. Daniel McCarthy on how “fusionism,” the label that stuck to Frank Meyer’s conservative philosophy, is widely misunderstood. Lee Fang on how media-savvy conservative think tanks take aim and fire at progressive power bases in the states. Freedom in the United States: Is there a conservative/libertarian divide? The Ron Paul Institute: The former presidential contender is back, this time as head of a new “institute” for “peace” comprised of anti-Semites, 9/11 truthers, and dictator lovers. On Rand Paul and the Libertarian–Statist Divide: Michael Ames on why establishment Democrats and Republicans fear Rand Paul. Timothy Carney on the case against cronies: Libertarians must stand up to corporate greed.