
Don’t call me a conservative

Stefan Andreasson (Queen’s): Conservatism. Kristopher A. Nelson (UCSD): Embracing the Opposition: The Conservative Appropriation of Liberal Critiques. From The University Bookman, a symposium on Russell Kirk’s The Conservative Mind at six (and more by Gerald Russello on Kirk’s unwritten constitutionalism). From The Utopian, Philip Mirowski on the thirteen commandments of neoliberalism. Can libertarian populism save the Republican Party? There’s a new name being floated around as the solution to the current electoral woes of the GOP — Ross Perot (and more). Friends, students, and colleagues remember one of our finest traditionalist scholars, George W. Carey (1933-2013). Can conservatives reconcile with the United Nations? David Bosco interviews Kenneth Anderson and Brett Schaefer. Jada Thacker on how the concept of “limited government” is Right-wing bunk: Try to find anything remotely like it in the Constitution. Meet the conservatives who campaigned for apartheid South Africa: Grover Norquist, Jack Abramoff and Jeff Flake all spent their early years trying to end the divestment movement. Josh Marshall on keeping it real on “neo-Confederate libertarians”. Rachel Weiner on the libertarian war over the Civil War. “And don’t call me a conservative”: The only thing worse than describing a libertarian policy wonk as a “conservative” is to slash his prose.