
Global compact

Andreas Rasche (CBS), Sandra Waddock (BC), and Malcolm McIntosh (Griffith): The United Nations Global Compact: Retrospect and Prospect. Daphne Barak-Erez (Tel Aviv): Whose Administrative Law is it Anyway? How Global Norms Reshape the Administrative State. Andrea C. Bianculli (FUB), Xavier Fernandez-i-Marin (ESADEgeo), and Jacint Jordana (Pompeu Fabra): The World of Regulatory Agencies: Institutional Varieties and Administrative Traditions. Marjan Ajevski (NCHR): International Criminal Law and Constitutionalisation: On Hegemony Narratives in Progress. Arthur Boutellis (IPI): Driving the System Apart? A Study of United Nations Integration and Integrated Strategic Planning. Gina Heathcote on gender politics and the United Nations Security Council. Maximilian M. Meduna on how organized crime and UN peace operations came to converge in fragile states. Charanya Krishnaswami on the United Nations’ shameful history in Haiti. Monique Chemillier-Gendreau on how many countries have signed international conventions guaranteeing democracy and human rights, but there is — as yet — no authority to ensure those commitments are honoured and no sanctions for those who dishonour them. The U.S. ignores the U.N. Charter because it’s broken: Eric Posner on why Obama should explain what should replace it. Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), a senior member of the House Science Committee, says global warming is a plot by liberals to “create global government to control our lives”.