
Reshaping the Middle East

Abdulmalik M. Altamimi (Leeds): The UN's “Responsibility to Protect” and the Arab World's Quest for Democracy. Robbert Maseland and Andre Van Hoorn (Groningen): Does Democracy Deliver in Islamic Societies? Mohamed Abdelaal (Alexandria): Egypt's Constitution: What Went Wrong? Joshua M. Pryor (Hawaii): Prospects for Peace: Iranian Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East. Patrick H. O'Neil (Puget Sound): A Messianic State? Ideology, Rationality and Eschatology in Iranian Politics. Agatha S. Hultquist and Johanna Birnir (Maryland): The Patronization of Electoral Politics in Authoritarian States: A Study of Ethnopolitical Organizations in the Middle East and North Africa. Stop blaming colonial borders for the Middle East's problems: Plenty of other countries have “artificially drawn” borders and aren’t fighting — here's the real problem with Europe's legacy in the region. An Egyptian court orders the banning of the Muslim Brotherhood and the confiscation of its assets. Eric Trager on how Western media is fixated on the wrong arrest in Egypt. Negotiating Syria: George Packer on Obama’s politics, Assad’s war. The shadow commander: Qassem Suleimani is the Iranian operative who has been reshaping the Middle East — now he’s directing Assad’s war in Syria. An interview with Christopher M. Schroeder, author of Startup Rising: The Entrepreneurial Revolution Remaking the Middle East. What do Spain’s King Juan Carlos, Pope Francis, and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani have in common? John Judis on Hegelian dialectics.