
The most important site

From The Daily Dot, now 10 years old, 4chan is the most important site you never visit (and more); and Cooper Fleishman on 4chan's 10 most important contributions to society; Aaron Sankin on how libertarian philosophy drove the Web's biggest black market; Chase Hoffberger writes in defense of Silk Road; and Patrick Howell O'Neill on how this is not the end of the Deep Web. Matt Buchanan on advertising and the end of Instagram's sincerity. Simon Owens on the battle to destroy Wikipedia's biggest sockpuppet army. BuzzFeed's brazen, nutty, growth plan: Until recently, BuzzFeed's global ambitions were held in check because its "listicles" are in English — but now, the posts will be translated by foreign-language learners. Farhad Manjoo on how the Facebook News Feed changed everything — media, advertising, politics, and us. Natalia Rojas has mapped the profile photos of Facebook's 1,267,191,915 (and counting) users on just one web page. Tim Sampson on why Twitter can't win its war on spam. This tool lets you stalk Twitter users to teach them a lesson about privacy. All is fair in love and Twitter: Nick Bilton on the sweet, innocent ideas and ruthless power plays that created Twitter. Two-hit wonder: Jack Dorsey, of Twitter, is now making big money at Square — and is out to prove that he’s more than a lucky man. Walter Frick on how Twitter’s leadership drama explains its success.