
A functional necessity

Micah Newman (Tarleton): A Realist Sexual Ethics. Here are sample pages from The Library: A World History by James W.P. Campbell and Will Pryce. Fabio Acerbi on why John Chortasmenos sent Diophantus to the Devil: Paleographical and mathematical arguments establish that Chortasmenos’ invective against Diophantus for the difficulty of a problem refers not to problem 2.8, which triggered Fermat’s “last theorem”, but to the far more difficult 2.7. Alec MacGillis on how the Tea Party and Wall Street are even closer than we thought. Is pain a functional necessity? Khannea Suntzu wonders. Marty Sullivan figured out how the world’s biggest companies avoided billions in taxes — here’s how he wants to stop them. Obamacare rate shock and premium joy: Now it's real. Yes, Obama is a Rockefeller Republican. Marijuana is America's next political wedge issue. Rise of the mayors: Leon Neyfakh on how a once-ceremonial job became a powerful force in American politics. Crosswalk Empire: Michael Schaffer on why liberals will miss Michael Bloomberg and the era's other imperial centrist mayors. Heart of snarkness: Media empires like Vice and celebrities like Anthony Bourdain are reporting from the world’s most misunderstood countries — is this just repackaged sensationalism? Teddem Yee on the 5 most incredible scenes ever preserved by fossils. One, doh!, three: Homer Simpson is a math genius — really!