
The theory and practice of global justice

Lorne Sossin (York): Administrative Justice in an Interconnected World. Thom Brooks (Durham): How Global is Global Justice? Towards a Global Philosophy. Benjamin McKean (OSU): Disposing Individuals to Solidarity in the Theory and Practice of Global Justice. Iason Gabriel (Oxford): Explaining Inaction in the Face of Extreme Poverty: Why We Come Up Short. Ilan Benshalom (HUJ): How to Redistribute? A Critical Examination of Methods to Promote Global Wealth Redistribution. You can download A Unified Approach to Measuring Poverty and Inequality by James Foster, Suman Seth, Michael Lokshin, and Zurab Sajaia. Here are sample chapters from The Great Escape: Health, Wealth, and the Origins of Inequality by Angus Deaton. The global upper class makes 32 times as much as the global lower class. The typical American household is richer than 93 percent of the world — meanwhile, the typical Indian household is richer than 23 percent of the world. Why does capital flow from poor to rich countries? The world’s leading development economists can’t agree on how to tackle inequality: Addressing global inequality is more complicated than it may seem. Giving money directly to poor people works surprisingly well — but it cannot deal with the deeper causes of poverty. An issue of life or death: Nancy Koppelman reviews From Goods to a Good Life: Intellectual Property and Global Justice by Madhavi Sunder.