
An extraordinary event

A new issue of Almatourism is out. Anya Bernstein (Harvard): An Inadvertent Sacrifice: Body Politics and Sovereign Power in the Pussy Riot Affair (and more). From The New York Times Magazine, a special issue on The Lives They Lived: A celebration of public and private lives, and of the moments — intimate, historic, unexpected — that shaped them. From Rolling Stone, Jesse Myerson on five economic reforms millennials should be fighting for (and Dylan Matthews on five conservative reforms millennials should be fighting, and Brian Beutler on the right’s latest freakout and why they’re crying “communism”). Here is the Mr. Magazine 2014 Manifesto: Print is the future of digital in 14 points. As Obamacare sign-ups surge, so does conservative rage. Alexis Madrigal on how Netflix reverse engineered Hollywood (and more by Felix Salmon) Medicaid expansion is a stealth success, and that's just fine. October marked the 70th anniversary of the mass breakout from Sobibor death camp; Althea Williams recalls an extraordinary event that is today largely forgotten. Jonathan Chait on how Obamacare will neither collapse, nor will Republicans accept its legitimacy, but the nature of their opposition will instead slowly morph; and on how Democrats can force Republicans to help the unemployed. Guarani Indian leader and film-star Ambrosio Vilhalva murdered. Intercontinental Cry magazine (“in support of the Indigenous Peoples movement”) temporarily suspends publication due to a lack of funds.