
Before it actually happened

The inaugural issue of Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy is out. Joseph Raz (Oxford): A Hedgehog's Unity of Value. Nicholas Riegel (Brasilia): Goodness and Beauty in Plato. There’s another scandal in American health care: It would be nice to see bipartisan outrage extend to another unfolding health-care scandal in this country — the 4.8 million people living under the poverty line who are eligible for Medicaid but won't get it because their state has refused Obamacare's Medicaid expansion. Giovanni Tiso on making real a Fascist puppet. Political economy is political: The best explanation of the current Piketty-Financial Times brouhaha was written by Mike Konczal a few weeks before it actually happened. Thomas Piketty's real challenge was to the FT's Rolex types: If the FT's attack on the radical economist's “rising inequality” thesis is right, then all the gross designer bling in its How To Spend It section can be morally justified. Pikettymania must stop: A plea for calm in the debate over Capital — the book is neither gospel nor garbage. At last, a history of magazines: Tony Quinn reviews Revolutions from Grub Street: A History of Magazine Publishing in Britain by Howard Cox and Simon Mowatt. Not just a “white guy killer”: Hua Hsu on Elliot Rodger's perverse sense of racial hierarchy — and his uncertain place in it (and more). “No way to prevent this”, says only nation where this regularly happens. Gokce Gunel on the soul of carbon dioxide. My country right or righter: Under Shinzo Abe the national broadcaster is stalked by ghosts of the past. Conservatives are now bashing Maya Angelou on Twitter.