
A stupid headline formula

From Yale Law Journal, a special section on Federalism as the New Nationalism. Andrew B. Coan (Wisconsin): Commandeering, Coercion, and the Deep Structure of American Federalism. Javier Lorente Fontaneda (UAM): The Disaffected Citizen or the Art of Voting for the Worst. Joao Afonso Baptista (Hamburg): Tourism Moral Imaginaries and the Making of Community. Nickolas Jordan (Appalachian State): World of Warcraft: A Family Therapist’s Journey into Scapegoated Culture. Kyle Jon Sepe (Washington College): American Jews and the Democratic Party: Historical and Biblical Perspectives on Jewish Adherence to the Democratic Party and Implications for Future Presidential Elections. From The Washington Monthly, Stanley Greenberg on why the white working class matters; and beyond identity politics: To reach the white working class, promise an economy that “works for everyone”. Class politics ultimately confronts the same dilemmas as radical race and gender politics — emancipation of the working class means abolishing the class as such, and thus giving up the comforts of working class identity. Even Fairbanks on the absolute worst cliche online today: "All you need to know" isn't just a stupid headline formula — it's actually bad for journalism. What’s behind nostalgia for 1970s New York? Charlie McCann on longing for New York’s bad old days. Hein de Haas on Morocco: Setting the stage for becoming a migration transition country? For a millennium, Athos has been home to monks, hermits and icons; women are banned and ethics can be murky — but Tom Whipple keeps going back. Travis Waldron on why the American Medical Association wants cheerleading designated as a sport.