
How “exceptional” is America?

From HNN, an article on the politics of history: How “exceptional” is America? A review of Hakluyt’s Promise: An Elizabethan’s Obsession for an English America by Peter C. Mancall. A review of Jamestown: The Buried Truth by William M. Kelso. A review of Salem Witch Judge: The Life and Repentance of Samuel Sewall by Eve LaPlante. From American Heritage, Joseph Ellis explains just how the American Revolution was revolutionary, and a review of American Creation: Triumphs and Tragedies at the Founding of the Republic. A review of Unruly Americans and the Origins of the Constitution by Woody Holton. A review of My Dearest Friend: Letters of Abigail and John Adams. A review of Learning to Stand and Speak: Women, Education, and Public Life in America’s Republic by Mary Kelley. A review of The Boardinghouse in Nineteenth Century America by Wendy Gamber. A review of German Culture in Nineteenth-Century America and Traveling between Worlds: German-American Encounters. A review of Unions, Radicals and Democratic Presidents: Seeking Social Change in the Twentieth Century by Martin Halpern.