
The analytic tradition in philosophy

Zhang Haipeng (Hong Kong): The Concepts of Analyticity. Nat Hansen (Reading): Contemporary Ordinary Language Philosophy. Eugen Fischer (East Anglia): Verbal Fallacies and Philosophical Intuitions: The Continuing Relevance of Ordinary Language Analysis. Kevin C. Klement reviews The Oxford Handbook of the History of Analytic Philosophy, ed. Michael Beaney. From PUP, the introduction to Analytic Philosophy in America: And Other Historical and Contemporary Essays by Scott Soames and the first chapter from The Analytic Tradition in Philosophy, Volume 1: The Founding Giants by Scott Soames. Scott Soames thinks philosophy is majestic and multi-faceted, is a leading philosopher of language and writes about the history and development of the analytic tradition in philosophy. From the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, Tim Crane interviews John Searle: “What’s your view of the state of philosophy at the moment? I think it’s in terrible shape!” Claudia Bianchi reviews The Philosophy of J. L. Austin by Martin Gustafsson and Richard Sorli. Grace Boey interviews Peter Unger, author of Empty Ideas: A Critique of Analytic Philosophy (and more). Truth, success and Frank Ramsey: Pascal Engel interviewed by Richard Marshall. Carlos M. Munoz-Suarez on the Tractatus: Is it so intractable? Gabriele Contessa on analytic philosophy and the English language: Some data and some preliminary thoughts. What's your opinion of history of analytic philosophy? The Leiter Reports readership revealed itself to be quite friendly to the history of analytic philosophy. From Existential Comics, a special look at Dungeons & Dragons and Philosophers: The Analytic Turn; and the Analytics go to a bar and try to pick up a woman.