
The significance of race

Anthony Victor Alfieri (Miami): Objecting to Race. David Alexander Craig (Oregon): From Philosophy of Race to Antiracist Politics: On Rorty's Approach to Race and Racism. Andrea Tesei (Queen Mary): Trust, Racial Fragmentation and Income Inequality: New Evidence from the US. Jennifer Hochschild (Harvard) and Vesla Weaver (Yale): Is the Significance of Race Declining in the Political Arena? Yes, and No. Sawyer III C. Don (Quinnipiac) and Robert T. Palmer (SUNY-Binghamton): A Different Kind of Black, but the Same Issues: Black Males and Counterstories at a Predominantly White Institution. Adam Croom (Penn): Spanish Slurs and Stereotypes for Mexican-Americans in the USA: A Context-sensitive Account of Derogation and Appropriation. Dianne Dentice (Stephen Austin): Valley Girl Interrupted: Meth, Race, and the Ku Klux Klan. From Boston Review, what is political correctness? Simon Waxman wonders. Lost in Rawlsland: George Yancy interviews Charles Mills, author of The Racial Contract. From n+1, beyond what: Look around you, the exhibit seems to say, and you’ll find an Indian-American. Is it racist to ask people where they're from? Uri Friedman on the importance of context. William Black on how watermelons became a racist trope. Jenee Desmond-Harris on 11 ways race isn’t real. Modern racism can be so hilarious: Elaine Teng interviews Tanzina Vega. Domino Renee Perez on how characters in children’s books are almost always white, and it’s a big problem. Gwynn Guilford on how America is much more interracial than it thinks. Reihan Salam on what white privilege really means: It’s not about what whites get — it’s about what blacks don’t. Across America, whites are biased and they don’t even know it.