
How did she forgive Heidegger?

Thomas Sheehan (Stanford): What, After All, Was Heidegger About? Taylor Carman (Barnard): Things Fall Apart: Heidegger on the Constancy and Finality of Death. The king is dead: Gregory Fried on Heidegger’s Black Notebooks/Schwarze Hefte Vols. 94-96 (and more by Peter Gordon at NYRB; and more and more at LARB). The introduction to Heidegger and the Media by David J. Gunkel and Paul Taylor. What Heidegger was hiding: Gregory Fried reviews Heidegger und der Mythos der judischen Weltverschworung (Heidegger and the Myth of the Jewish World Conspiracy) by Peter Trawny. Roger Berkowitz on how to read a “politically charged sentence” and the debate surrounding Heidegger's politics. Erin Carlisle (Flinders): How Did She Forgive Heidegger? Hannah Arendt and the Politics of Forgiveness. Eric Levi Jacobson (Roehampton): Why did Hannah Arendt Reject the Partition of Palestine? Ozer Baris Tuncel (ITU) Bodies as Political Weapons: Suicide Bombings and Hannah Arendt; and Hannah Arendt’s Understanding of Truth, Judgment and Politics. Rosalyn Diprose (UNSW) and Ewa Plonowska Ziarek (SUNY-Buffalo): Time for Beginners: Natality, Biopolitics, and Political Theology. Adriel Trott (Wabash): Nature, Action and Politics: An Arendtian Aristotle Against Arendt's Aristotle. Aaron Schutz (Wisconsin): Becoming Public Citizens: Hannah Arendt and the Tensions of Democracy. Shmuel Lederman (Haifa): Agonism and Deliberation in Arendt. From Logos, Philip Green on reflections on Arendt. From the inaugural issue of European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, Peter Baehr (Lingan): The Informers: Hannah Arendt's Appraisal of Whittaker Chambers and the Ex-Communists. Rafael Rojas on when Fidel Castro and Hannah Arendt met at Princeton.