
Piketty moment

A new Oxfam report says half of global wealth held by the 1%. Meet the 80 people who are as rich as half the world. From the Center for American Progress, the report of the Commission on Inclusive Prosperity, by By Lawrence H. Summers and Ed Balls: Nations need to ensure both that economic growth takes place and that it is broadly shared. From the British Journal of Sociology, a special issue on Thomas Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century. Why have weddings and houses gotten so ridiculously expensive? Blame inequality. In case you wondered why CEOs in the United States make so much money. Is unearned income acceptable? The rich get rich through wealth extraction, not wealth creation — it’s time that was put to an end. President Obama finally has his Piketty moment (and more). David Kamin (NYU): How to Tax the Rich. Charles Kenny on why America needs an exit tax. Richard M. Bird (Toronto): Global Taxes and International Taxation: Mirage and Reality. Danny Vink on how Americans have no idea how regressive their state and local taxes are. Eric J. Brunner and Stephen L. Ross (Conn) and Becky K. Simonsen (Columbia): Homeowners, Renters and the Political Economy of Property Taxation. Arthur J. Cockfield (Queen's): David Foster Wallace on Tax Policy, How to Be an Adult, and Other Mysteries of the Universe. Five critiques of Arthur Laffer's supply-side model show tax cuts as junk economics.