
Outside the usual post-Marxist paradigm

Laurence Cox (Maynooth): A Whole Way of Struggle? Western Marxisms, Social Movements and Culture. Benjamin Arditi (UNAM): Post-hegemony: Politics Outside the Usual Post-Marxist Paradigm. Joseph Carew (McGill): Ontological Catastrophe: Zizek and the Paradoxical Metaphysics of German Idealism. Like Socrates on steroids, Slavoj Zizek is both breathtakingly perceptive and outrageously irresponsible — is he just out to scandalise? From Socialist Studies, Herbert Pimlott (Wilfrid Laurier): Stuart Hall: An Exemplary Socialist Public Intellectual? Fred Lee (Conn): Vision and Imagination in Radical Democratic Theory: Reflections on Mark Kaswan and Chantal Mouffe. The symbol is dead, long live the symbolic: Axel Andersson reviews Adventures of the Symbolic: Post-Marxism and Radical Democracy by Warren Breckman (and more). From The Left Hemisphere: Mapping Critical Thinking Today, Razmig Keucheyan on Ernesto Laclau: Constructing antagonisms. From Public Seminar, McKenzie Wark on reading Jameson. Robert T. Tally on Fredric Jameson’s ruthless criticism of all that exists. Tom Frost (Sussex): The Dispositif between Foucault and Agamben. Kevin B. Anderson on the Althusserian cul-de-sac. Althusserians Anonymous: The first step to becoming a recovering Althusserian is to recognize that you have no control and are unconsciously always a little bit Althusserian whether you want to be or not (in 4 parts).