
Stuff you should know about Greece before you lose your shit

Bill Lucarelli (UWS): The Euro: A Chartalist Critique. Alberto Lanzavecchia (Padova) and Eugenio Pavarani (Parma): Democracy or Euro: Who will Surrender? Francesco Nicoli (Trento): Eurocrisis and the Myths of European Redistribution: Illegitimate, Unsustainable, Inefficient? We are told that the game was rigged from the start, that Europe was built to be a hopeless austerity machine — but was it? John Milios on how austerity isn’t irrational: In Greece and elsewhere, austerity is nothing more than capitalists imposing their class interests. Wolfgang Streeck on German hegemony: Unintended and unwanted.

I haven’t been paying attention — what’s going on in Greece? Greece is in crisis (again), and here’s what you need to know. Daniel Marans on why a bailout deal that keeps Greece in Europe may endanger Greek democracy. Who’s lying in the negotiations over Greece and the euro? Both sides claim strong opposition to the proposed deal — they may be bluffing to gain an advantage, or the deal might be near collapse. Greece gives Europe what it wants, Europe says no anyway. Europe is destroying Greece’s economy for no reason at all. Europe strikes back: It seems to be trying to push Greece out of the euro. If Grexit happens it will be because the creditors, or at least the IMF, wanted it to happen.

A finance minister fit for a Greek tragedy? The defiant stand by Yanis Varoufakis in the high-stakes economic negotiations with the E.U. threatens to tear Europe apart. Greek finance minister wrote the book on game theory, but may yet lose. Syriza needed to be made an example; you cannot survive in Europe, if you don’t embrace the Brussels-Berlin Consensus. Paul Krugman on Europe’s moment of truth. “It’s in Europe’s interest to make things as hard as possible for Greece”: Matthew Yglesias on why Greece is doomed (and more). Jeffrey Sachs on the endgame in Greece.

Parliament approves referendum; Greece’s future in balance. What will Greeks vote on? Nikos Chrysoloras and Paul Tugwell on the referendum question. Arthur Goldhammer on how the austerity referendum solves a problem for Greece’s leaders — it may solve a problem for Europe’s leaders, too. Greece closes its banks to stem flood of withdrawals. Panic among hedge fund investors in Greece. Joshua M Brown on some stuff you should know about Greece before you lose your shit. Heidi Moore on 5 things you need to know about Greece’s financial meltdown. Kathleen McNamara on how the euro is an experiment in making a currency without a government — that’s why it’s in trouble.