
It's a semiglobalized world

From The Globalist, a series of articles on globalization, Americanization and Europeanization (and part 2 and part 3); and it's a semiglobalized world: Is the world economy as integrated as most people perceive it to be? From The Economist, an article on America's vulnerable economy: Recession in America looks increasingly likely. Can booming emerging markets save the world economy? (and more); and the boom in emerging economies and their stockmarkets is not over yet. But some are likely to run out of breath sooner than others. Migrant money flow $300 billion: Globally, migrants from poor countries send home more than three times the global total in foreign aid. Why we trade: We’re used to shrugging off all sorts of rhetorical gobbledygook from our politicians. But when you hear U.S. presidential candidates start to mouth off about free trade, watch your wallet — a discredited 14th-century theory of economics is enjoying a dangerous renaissance in the 2008 campaign.