
Science roundup

From Scientific American, a cover story on Aliens Among Us: In pursuit of evidence that life arose on Earth more than once, scientists are searching for microbes that are radically different from all known organisms; an article on Bigfoot anatomy: Sasquatch is just a legend, right? According to the evidence, maybe not; a look at how human changes to the environment are accelerating evolution in many ecosystems; and an unauthorized autobiography of science: Explanations of how science works often differ from the actual process. Proof of Darwin's natural selection: Charles Darwin had no evidence to support his theory of natural selection; a couple fascinated with finches provided the proof. A review of On Deep History and the Brain by Daniel Lord and The Age of Everything: How Science Explores the Past by Mathew Hedman (and the introduction). A review of Longitude: The true story of a lone genius who solved the greatest scientific problem of his time by Dava Sobel.  Did a comet cause the Great Flood? The universal human myth may be the first example of disaster reporting. A look at how discovering planets just got easier. A look at how stars get their names (and, no, they’re not for sale!). The man who imagined wormholes and schooled Hawking: Kip Thorne revolutionized physics, fixed up Contact, and straddled the Cold War divide. Shadow world: How many dimensions space has could all be a matter of perspective. A review of Quantum Theory Cannot Hurt You by Marcus Chown. A review of Causation, Physics, and the Constitution of Reality: Russell's Republic Revisited.