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Brian D. Earp (Oxford): “Legitimate Rape”, Moral Coherence, and Degrees of Sexual Harm. What to do with the people who do make it across? Daniel Trilling on Europe’s borders. Phillip Carter on why foreign troops can’t fight our fights. Billions from U.S. have failed to sustain foreign forces. Josh Marshall on understanding the country’s choice on guns: It seems clear that being pro-gun has become a key element of Republican self-identification. This is why the gun nuts win: Amanda Marcotte on how an Oregon sheriff’s nutty conspiracy theories explains the GOP’s impotence. The Fiorina Foundation is run by an organization that has distributed funds to Planned Parenthood — oh, and the Fiorina Foundation doesn’t appear to exist. Is Donald Trump right to call NAFTA a “disaster”? Guy Trebay on Melania Trump, the silent partner. Did this Libertarian Senate candidate really sacrifice a goat and drink its blood? Everything you need to know about Florida Senate candidate Augustus Sol Invictus (and more).