
An awful lot

Sean Redmond (Deakin): The Passion Plays of Celebrity Culture. The military is making you fat: Cara Parks reviews Combat-Ready Kitchen: How the U.S. Military Shapes the Way You Eat by Anastacia Marx De Salcedo. What’s wrong with the people who read celebrity magazines? An awful lot, judging by the plethora of adverts for illnesses and ailments littering this week’s People magazine. Donald Trump says he’s a liar — we should say he is too. Marco Rubio says “God’s rules” trump Supreme Court decisions. From Daily Nous, philosophers and political theorists contribute some brief remarks on the Syrian refugee crisis. To hear the current debate, you’d think the United States is a hermetically sealed immigration Ziploc bag — here are some numbers for just last year. Katha Pollitt on how the refugee crisis is Europe’s chance to atone for the Holocaust — this time, let’s do the right thing. Lobbyists, in strategy session, conclude that refugee crisis “helps us” defeat regulations.

From the Economic Policy Institute, Josh Bivens updates an annual tradition: Arguing economics at the dinner table. From the Wall Street Journal, here are 5 facts to silence your smug millennial nephew this Thanksgiving.