
Missing the point

Dan Hunter (Swinburne) and Greg Lastowka (Rutgers): Barbie (Trademarked) (“Mattel Inc.’s Barbie doll is highly dependent on the intellectual property system, and this Essay provides the first serious account of the development of Barbie as an object of intellectual property”.) Robert Wade reviews Political Order and Inequality: Their Foundations and their Consequences for Human Welfare by Carles Boix. Emily Badger on how Flint, Ferguson and Baltimore are all connected. You can’t “take back” public lands — they already belong to all of us: The extremists occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge are missing the point. Militia says it will take up arms to defend Flint if necessary. Do campaign policy proposals matter? A Vox symposium. Nate Silver said Donald Trump had no shot — where did he go wrong? It’s so rare to find a happy-making news headline these days.