
We’re still living in Carl Schmitt’s world

Samuel Salzborn (Gottingen): Immortalising the Mortal God: Hobbes, Schmitt, and the Ambivalent Foundations of the Modern State. Antonio Cerella (Central Lancashire): Encounters at the End of the World: Max Weber, Carl Schmitt and the Tyranny of Values. Diego Rossello (UC): "To Be Human, Nonetheless, Remains a Decision": Deciding to be Human in Contemporary Critical Political Theory. Armin von Bogdandy (Max Planck): Pondering Schmitt's Concept of the Political for International Public Authority: On Methods, Standards and Disciplinary Settings for Public Law Theory. Gavin Rae (UC3M): The Real Enmity of Carl Schmitt's Concept of the Political. Claudio Minca and Rory Rowan (Wageningen): The Question of Space in Carl Schmitt. Emil Archambault (St. Andrews): Schmitt contra Kant: Peace in the New Nomos of the Earth. What is the new "nomos of the Earth"? Carl Raschke on the Later Schmitt.

"Politics guided by the decisionist principle is the meeting point between the tasty arguments of tyrants and the ravenous appetite of their acclaimers: Zygmunt Bauman on how neoliberalism prepared the way for Donald Trump. Don't mourn, repoliticize: At around 11 p.m. on November 8th, Americans discovered that we're still living in Carl Schmitt's world. Carl Schmitt Watch: The Donald protects the law. Tom G. Palmer on Carl Schmitt: The philosopher of conflict who inspired both the Left and the Right. Politics as war: Kimberly A. Strassel interviews Steve Bannon.