
Trump and China’s Xi could stumble

From the Washington Monthly, Martin Longman on Trump’s foreign policy mess. Language matters: How a minor mistranslation can affect US-China relations. Graham Allison on how Trump and China’s Xi could stumble into war: When a rising power threatens to displace a ruling power, it rarely ends well. A vision of Trump at war: Philip Gordon on how the president could stumble into conflict. How China’s leader is playing Donald Trump: Xi Jinping has quickly figured out that the U.S. president’s bluster and bravado offer strategic opportunity. Can Trump match Xi Jinping’s game? The looming strategic disaster at Mar-a-Lago: China will try to buy off the Trump administration — it may very well succeed.

Trump just warned China to rein in North Korea or the US would go it alone. The Trump White House’s rhetoric on North Korea is aggressive — their policy isn’t. A senior North Korean defector says the country’s “desperate” dictator is prepared to use nuclear weapons to strike the United States and its allies. Why the sudden collapse of North Korea would be hell on Earth.