
To deal with the rising Nationalist Internationale

Gabriele Badano (Cambridge) and Alasia Nuti (York): Under Pressure: Political Liberalism, the Rise of Unreasonableness and the Complexity of Containment. Joe Mulhall (Royal Holloway): The Many Faces of Fascism. Tyranny’s new trick: Unlike 20th-century dictatorships, authoritarian regimes of the 21st do not feel like tyrannies — here’s how it’s done. Pankaj Mishra reviews The Retreat of Western Liberalism by Edward Luce; The Fate of the West: Battle to Save the World’s Most Successful Political Idea by Bill Emmott; The Road to Somewhere: The Populist Revolt and the Future of Politics by David Goodhart; The Once and Future Liberal: After Identity Politics by Mark Lilla; and The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam by Douglas Murray.

The European roots of the alt-Right: George Hawley on how far-right ideas are going international. The prophet of Germany’s New Right: From a tiny village in the country’s rural east, leading nationalist intellectual Gotz Kubitschek builds a vision for the future of his movement across Europe. Investing in illiberalism: Thorsten Benner and Wolfgang H. Reinicke on why European businesses should end their embrace of Hungary and Poland. Brazil and the crisis of the liberal world order: Polarised politics and the rise of nationalism echo Trump’s US and Brexit Britain.

Far-right extremists are using leaked military and intelligence documents to sway elections. Disinformation and the decay of nations: To deal with the rising Nationalist Internationale, we are first going to have to reimagine how we engage with each other.