
How to live with just 100 things

From Knowledge Politics Quarterly, Robert Hassan (Melbourne): Temporalized Democracy and a Future Politics; Michel Bauwens (P2P): The Political Implications of the Peer to Peer Revolution; and an essay on the academic library and the commons. From New English Review, an article on the neglect of geography and its perils; and a look at what some best-sellers have to say about space, place, and territory. From The New York Review of Magazines, an article The Oscars & The Grouches: Film critics, prepare to be judged; last call for The Washington Monthly? 39 years on the Beltway beat; and this article is 1, 689 words long — that's 689 words too many for the web, some say. A longstanding puzzle in Earth’s climate record has just been solved: An abrupt change in how scientists measured temperatures above the ocean, not the climate itself. From The Common Review, a review of books on Woody Allen; and Daniel Born on the memoirs we need. Truly, madly, deeply depressing: Survivors’ memoirs chronicle vivid, day-by-day snapshots of suffering, medication and recovery. From The Village Voice's "Queer Issue", an article on the end of public sex: Why isn't anyone fucking anymore? More and more and more and more on Nudge by Cass Sunstein and Richard Thaler. From n+1, a forum on the politics of fear. An article on how to live with just 100 things.