
The boundaries of the thinkable

From Daedalus, a special issue on nature, including Cass Sunstein (Chicago): Precautions and Nature; Philip Tetlock (UC-Berkley) and Michael Oppenheimer (Princeton): The Boundaries of the Thinkable; Bill McKibben (Middlebury): The Challenge to Environmentalism; Leo Marx (MIT): The Idea of Nature in America; Richard Kraut (Northwestern): On Philosophy as a Guide to Well-Being; and more. From LRB, Jeremy Harding on the Serbian predicament. Useful exotics: An article on the fate of China's minorities. There is nothing like a disputed place to bring incendiary nationalism to the boil. Thomas Frank on why misgovernment was no accident in George W. Bush's Washington. Obama-McCain pop-culture debate: See the candidates' movie, TV, and music endorsements (and more and more). From The Weekly Standard, a cover story on how Hollywood Takes on the Left: David Zucker turns his sights on anti-Americanism. From Smart Set, think things are slow on the NJ Turnpike? Try eating at its rest stops. From Writ, is sex a "major life activity"? A claim of disability discrimination turns on the answer to this question. A review of Cezanne's Bathers: Biography and the Erotics of Paint by Aruna D'Souza. A review of Cultural Appropriation and the Arts by James Young. Lord of the Memes: In the age of the iPhone, prestige has shifted from the producer of art to the aggregator and the appraiser.