
Punks grow old

From Essays in Philosophy, Per Bauhn (Kalmar): The End of Duty; and Eric Smaw (Rollins): From Chaos to Contractarianism: Hobbes, Pojman, and the Case for World Government; and a review of Inhuman Conditions: On Cosmopolitanism and Human Rights by Pheng Cheah. Paul Rogers on the latest SWISH Report: In light of Barack Obama's victory in the United States presidential election, the al-Qaida movement once more solicits advice from the renowned management consultancy. The US has power — what it needs is authority. A look at how the US can fix its damaged reputation abroad. More on The American Future: A History by Simon Schama. Jeffrey Sachs on how to rebuild America: The era of small government is dead — we need a strong, skillful Washington again to start rebuilding America from the ground up (and an interview). In search of answers to his country's financial crisis, Charles P. Pierce goes to a place where he, and only he, can control his gains and losses. Robert Hepple on the right to equality, then and now. Sinclair on James Bond, the genius of Ian Fleming's literary creation. From the Annals of Improbable Research, can punks grow old gracefully? Millions once moved to California for its boundless promise, but time has not been kind to the Golden State. Here are 5 ways to stop trolls from killing the Internet.