
Of monkeys and utopia

From New York, a special "All New" issue: Of the many weird things happening right now, not all are bad; and a few ideas to make our basketball-loving, Internet-using, furtively smoking new POTUS feel more comfortable. From The New Yorker, a review of Killing for Coal: America's Deadliest Labor War by Thomas G. Andrews; hack attack: Liberal blogs get sabotaged; and baby food: If breast is best, why are women bottling their milk? Obama’s worst Pakistan nightmare: The biggest fear is not jihadists taking control of the border regions; it’s what happens if the country’s nuclear arsenal falls into the wrong hands. From RAND Review, a special issue on Twelve Suggestions for the New U.S. President. Are Israel and Hamas committing war crimes in Gaza? Anthony Dworkin wants to know. Matthew Yglesias on how the US should be involved in Gaza. From Wired, here are 12 elegant examples of evolution. Of Monkeys and Utopia: The state of nature is not a state of pacifism. A review of Only a Promise of Happiness: The Place of Beauty in a World of Art by Alexander Nehamas. What your loneliness is telling you: New science says being lonely speeds aging; old philosophy says the holiday blues are a signal to examine and change your life. Help Wanted: Leader of the Free World — can Obama fill the bill or have we all moved on?