
How to get into the conversation

George Bragues (Guelph-Humber): The Ethics of US Monetary Policy in Response to the Financial Crisis of 2007-20?? From the inaugural issue of Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, Alessandro Lanteri (UPO): (Why) do selfish people self-select in economics?; Maurice Lagueux (Montreal): Are we witnessing a "revolution" in methodology of economics? (and a response); Maria Cristina Marcuzzo (Roma): Is history of economic thought a “serious” subject?; an interview with Uskali Maki on economic methodology; a review of Donald MacKenzie’s An engine, not a camera: how financial models shape the markets; a review of Stephen Ziliak and Deirdre McCloskey’s The cult of statistical significance (and a response); a review of David Colander’s The making of an economist, redux; and a review of Arjo Klamer’s Speaking of economics: how to get into the conversationMore on The Tyranny of Dead Ideas by Matt Miller. Lee Siegel on the intellectual crash of 2009: Why has the financial meltdown left our intellectuals speechless? Hope vs. fear: Should reality always trump optimism? From Nthposition, Ayn Rand, the founder of Objectivism, "is a great writer the way Dan Brown is a great writer". Is Aaron Sorkin better than Shakespeare? Satoshi Kanazawa investigates. A review of Electronic Literature: New Horizons for the Literary by N. Katherine Hayles.