
The chasms that divide

You can download the book The Charmed Circle of Ideology: A Critique of Laclau and Mouffe, Butler and Zizek by Geoff Boucher. The introduction to Is Milton Better than Shakespeare? by Nigel Smith. A review of The Information-Literate Historian: A Guide to Research for History Students by Jenny L. Presnell. A review of Closed Minds? Politics and Ideology in American Universities by Bruce L.R. Smith, Jeremy D. Mayer, and A. Lee Fritschler. Victimology 101 at Yale: While the rest of the university tightens its belt, guess who's exempted from the austerity campaign? Mark Bauerlein reviews David Horowitz's One Party Classroom: How Radical Professors at America's Top Colleges Indoctrinate Students and Undermine Our Democracy (and a response; and more). While it's simplistic (to the point of comedy) to suggest that monster trucks can heal our national divide, they may play a part in better understanding the chasms that divide us. A review of The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett (and more and more). Lexicographer Erin McKean’s interactive "Wordnik" is projected to be the largest online dictionary ever. David Greenberg on the folly of the "Hundred Days". History is full of examples of leaders who accomplished improbable things largely because they thought they could — when everyone said they couldn't.