
Why girls have BFFs

From The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, George Perkovich and James M. Acton rebut the standard arguments against disarmament. Think small to tackle the world's problems: The defects of minilateralism pale in comparison with the stalemate characterising modern multilateralism. Where the payoffs are big, so are the paychecks: The rest of the country may be stuck in a nasty recession, but on Wall Street, where it all began, business is booming. From TNR, why Sotomayor felt the need to make her "wise Latina" comment (it's the same reason why Michelle Obama said she was proud of her country "for the first time"); and why isn't Obama appointing young judges to the circuit courts? Why girls have BFFs and boys hang out in packs: Pardon the sexism, but a question — why are girls so girly? A review of Sharon Moalem's How Sex Works: Why We Look, Smell, Taste, Feel, and Act the Way We Do. Hands or paws or anything they got: Do animals masturbate? An interview with African-American atheist Sikivu Hutchinson on the need for black atheists to play a critical role in the atheism movement. An interview with Rick Perlstein on Nixonland (and an excerpt at Bookforum).