
Hot celebrity gossip!

A review of Fame: From the Bronze Age to Britney by Tom Payne (and more). The accidental celebrity: Timothy L. Wood didn't write an essay comparing Obama and Hitler; he shares his story about what happened online and in his life when some people thought he did. My celebrity college roommate: The memories of people whose college roommates went on to become stars say a lot about navigating your freshman-year living situation (and more and more). Hot Celebrity Gossip!: Why we primates love personalities. Michael Jackson died a long time ago, and it's taken years for anyone to notice. With June’s celebrity deaths, Larry King confirmed his status as America’s chief mourner and grief counselor, turning his show into a postmortem inquiry (David Carradine), a jovial wake (Ed McMahon), an auxiliary hospice (Farrah Fawcett), and a star-studded trauma team (Michael Jackson). Expire, please; go kaput; die, already: It’s not a film, it’s a movie; it’s not a vinyl, it’s a record — and other trendy things that need to go bye-bye. It is sly, knowing and often nasty; politicians and celebrities are its prey; and it attacks, under the guise of wit, without proof or reason — David Denby goes on the hunt for snark (and more). An interview with Michael Musto on snark. Scott Brown on the outsourcing of snark.