
Philosophy and real life

From The Common Review, Richard Kamber on plotting philosophy’s future. What has to be borne in mind is that the history of philosophy itself has a history. A review of The Uses of the Past From Heidegger to Rorty: Doing Philosophy Historically by Robert Piercey. Formulas built in myth: In the history of ideas, strong images like clocks or markets have helped, and hindered, thinking. An interview with AC Grayling on ideas that matter. Letter from Hong Kong: Stephen Palmquist reports from where money and philosophy mix. Philosophy and real life: Angela Hobbs's new job is to promote public understanding of philosophy — can she do for her subject what Dawkins did for his? A review of Why Socrates Died by Robin Waterfield. From TPM, an interview with Robert Rowland Smith, author of Breakfast With Socrates; and a man on a mission to get the world talking: An interview with Christopher Phillips, author of Socrates in Love: Philosophy for a Passionate Heart; a review of Conversations on Truth; and Lewis Wolpert tells Julian Baggini why philosophy is waste of time. Do you ever look inside your cluttered, disgusting fridge and think, what would Immanuel Kant do? The plays of Friedrich Schiller can guide us, or offer a guide to self-guidance, so that we may preserve our freedoms in the face of conflicting moral imperatives. For Kierkegaard, the power of repetition is that you come to know who you are, but never exactly what you will do. End of self-help: A review of Nothing to Be Frightened Of by Julian Barnes and The Book of Dead Philosophers by Simon Critchley. Why do fools (and philosophers) fall in love?