
Economics for the left

Herb Gamberg (Dalhousie): On Political Economy and Political Theory. From Swans, Michael Doliner on the contradictions of capitalism. Astra Taylor on how to break capital's unrelenting stranglehold over us. A review of Zombie Capitalism: Global Crisis and the Relevance of Marx by Chris Harman. Whatever ideology defines the future of the global economy, it won’t be American-style neo-liberalism. Economist Richard Norgaard decries the gospel of endless growth. Is the World Social Forum a sustainable model? Naomi Klein on how corporate branding has taken over America. Joseph Heath set out to write about economics for the left; now he's defending Capitalism — sort of. The left is the main hope against xenophobic, securitised, apocalyptic barbarism — we should expect radical change. Does a major economic crisis always and inevitably benefit the Left? A review of Build it Now: Socialism for the Twenty-First Century by Michael Lebowitz. Michael Barker on taking strong action for capitalist-led environmental destruction. John Bellamy Foster the age of monopoly-finance capital and on ecological revolution: "In reality, capitalism can be defined as a system of unsustainable development". Through a reappraisal of 20th century anti-capitalist thought, Benjamin Noys urges us to critically re-think how an apocalyptic tone operates within radical analyses of the current crisis. A review of The Neo-Liberal State by Raymond Plant. The Left should expose the fakery of Keynesians who ignore Keynes’ real ideas and the Right’s politically motivated identity fraud. The making of neo-liberalism: A review of The Road from Mont Pelerin: The Making of the Neoliberal Thought Collective by Philip Mirowski and Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan by Kim Phillips-Fein. William Niskanen on the undemanding ethics of capitalism. Feeble Critiques: Jagdish Bhagwati on capitalism's petty detractors.