
Gay rights movements

Ian Barnard (CSU-Northridge): Disciplining Queer. From MR, a review of Colonialism and Homosexuality by Robert Aldrich; and a review of Sexuality and Socialism: History, Politics, and Theory of LGBT Liberation by Sherry Wolf. A review of The Reification of Desire: Toward a Queer Marxism by Kevin Floyd. From The Gay and Lesbian Review, Lester Strong on Stephen Sprouse, the artist who merged punk, street culture, and high fashion; and how "gay" were the stars of the 30's? A review of Hollywood Bohemians: Transgressive Sexuality and the Selling of the Movieland Dream by Brett L. Abrams. A review of Fairies, Bears and Leathermen: Men in  Community Queering the Masculine by Peter Henne. Larry Kramer on Queer Theory’s heist of our history: Why assume a priori that gay people didn’t exist in the past? I Love You, Man: Dueling "ex-gay" and gay-rights conferences have more in common than the attendees would like to believe. Why has a divided America taken gay rights seriously?: A review of From Disgust to Humanity: Sexual Orientation and Constitutional Law by Martha Nussbaum (and more and more). They’re fond of your checkbooks and deaf to your demands for equal rights — what will it take for the Democratic Party to step up? Theodore Olson on the conservative case for gay marriage: Same-sex marriage is an American value. The data show it: Nations that have legalized gay marriage have witnessed no resulting harm to the institution. Brazil takes a leap forward with a government-backed “school of gay arts”, where students learn about wig preparation, costume creation, stand-up routines, and lip synching. They're here, they're queer, and governments from Africa to Asia don't quite know what to do about it, countries where gay rights movements face an upward battle for equality.