
A whit about political science

Craig M. Burnett (UCSD), Elizabeth Garrett (USC) and Mathew McCubbins (USC): The Dilemma of Direct Democracy. A review of When The People Speak: Deliberative Democracy and Public Consultation by James S Fishkin. From Newsweek, what happens when Congress fails to do its job? Don't be fooled: The House and Senate still need fixing (and two responses). A look at how political-science classic Presidential Power by Richard Neustadt proves its enduring relevance. Here’s a question: Why do so few people in politics seem to know or care a whit about political science? (and a response) The study of politics claims to be objective, but can it and should it shake off our own moral and political priorities? A review of Emergence of the Political Subject by Ranabir Samaddar. From dating website OKCupid, an analysis of the distribution of social and economics values, using the Nolan Chart. In defense of ideology: It is fine to be ideological — it is indispensible to effective analysis of the world. Brendan Boyle reviews Politics and the Imagination by Raymond Geuss (and more). From The Freeman, did Locke really justify limited government? From Cato Unbound, David Schmidtz and Jason Brennan on conceptions of freedom (with a response by Philip Pettit). The limits of freedom: Although the modern world embraces the notion of liberty, without guidance on how to use it we will only bring our own ruin. Thomas Fleming on how the liberal/libertarian view of property as an individual right is at the root of the erosion of both our civil property rights and of the deeper understanding of property. Timothy Ferris on how there is a symbiotic relationship between science and liberalism. Using games to see the future: The CIA says Bruce Bueno de Mesquita's political predictions come true 90 per cent of the time — so how does he do it?