
Learning to test out claims

A new issue of Interactions it out. Pasquale Gagliardi (Unicatt): Organizations as Designed Islands. From Dissent, Jesse Larner on hate crime/thought crime (and a response and a reply); Jeff Faux writes to the Deficit Commission: First puncture the myths; and Roger Canaff on Arizona's immigration law: Unintended consequences and victimization. A review of What is Radical Politics Today? The relations among the three major groups of institutions where American intellectuals are most active — the academy, "serious" journalism and publishing, and policy institutes or think tanks — and between all of them and the educated lay public are shifting in complex and not always helpful ways. Oncle Jacques, Onkel Friedrich, Tio Jose: Do other countries have their own Uncle Sams? An interview with Noam Chomsky on death threats, the internet and why he thinks Obama was marketed like a brand of toothpaste. Not sleeping is a form of torture — without it, we die — but, for all its importance, do we know what sleep actually is? An interview with Clay Shirky on Cognitive Surplus (and more). The quest for purity: Vegans don't seem to realize that we're compromised from the start — to be alive is to be a murderer. How would Obama respond to a nuclear attack? The Agnostic Cartographer: How Google’s open-ended maps are embroiling the company in some of the world’s touchiest geopolitical disputes. An excerpt from Long For This World by Jonathan Weiner (and more). Dead man voting: They register, they run, they even get elected. What is deep thought? Most people are more sceptical than ever — we are learning to test out claims for ourselves. An interview with Linda Greenhouse, author of Before Roe v. Wade. An interview with Gary Vaynerchuk on influence, emotion, and being a "douche bag".