
Image problems to worry about

From the inaugural issue on Postmedieval: A Journal of Medieval Cultural Studies, an introduction, Karmen MacKendrick (Le Moyne): The Multipliable Body; and Julian Yates (Delaware): It's (for) You; or, The Tele-t/r/opical Post-human. Online book reviews are plentiful and expanding; it is still under debate, however, whether these online reviews meet the standard of quality of their ink-and-paper ancestors. From The Economist, a special report on gambling. Events such as the World Cup and the Olympics are not the economic juggernauts that their promoters claim they are — how do host nations benefit from them? Goldman Sachs, the world’s pre-eminent investment bank, has more than just image problems to worry about. Going off the grid: A review essay on moving away from the city and living without power, running water, cars and in some cases, companionship. The origins of literacy: Reading may involve unlearning an older skill. The rights of the future?: The present generation cannot easily speak for people yet to be born whose circumstances we cannot know. Oil spills, poverty, corruption: Why Louisiana is America's petro-state. Every oil spill is different, but the thread that unites some major ones is a growing scientific awareness of the persistent damage that spills can do. From TEDGlobal 2010, Laurie Santos on the evolutionary origins of irrationality; and Sebastian Seung on the connectome: Do neural maps define our identity?