
Philosophical thought experiments

Owen Anderson (ASU): The Search for the Absolute: Analytic Philosophy as an Insufficient Response to Idealism. Banu Tumkaya (Akdeniz): Philosophical Thought Experiments Versus Scientific Ones. From Essays in Philosophy, a special issue on Ordinary Language Philosophy: A Reappraisal, including Sally Parker Ryan (Pacific): Reconsidering Ordinary Language Philosophy: Malcolm’s (Moore’s) Ordinary Language Argument; Alberto Voltolini (Turin): Is Wittgenstein a Contextualist?; Jeff Johnson (Saint Catherine): Grice’s Unspeakable Truths; Constantine Sandis (Oxford Brookes): The Experimental Turn and Ordinary Language; and Jonathan Trigg (Louisiana-Lafayette): The Philosophy of Ordinary Language Is a Naturalistic Philosophy. From Konturen, a special issue on Between Nature and Culture: After the Continental-Analytic Divide, including Jeffrey S. Librett (Oregon): Introduction: Analytic Philosophy as a Post-structuralism?; Paul M. Livingston (UNM): The Breath of Sense: Language, Structure, and the Paradox of Origin (an a response by Samuel C. Wheeler and a reply and a response and a reply); Bonnie Mann (Oregon): What Should Feminists Do about Nature?; Catrin Misselhorn (Tubingen): Empathy and Dyspathy with Androids: Philosophical, Fictional, and (Neuro)Psychological Perspectives; and Martin Klebes (Oregon): If Worlds Were Stories. A review of Reason in Philosophy: Animating Ideas by Robert B. Brandom (and more).