
Fortress Australia

From ARPA, a review of What Were They Thinking? The Politics of Ideas in Australia by James Walter and Tod Moore and Radical Sydney: Places, Portraits and Unruly Episodes by Terry Irving and Rowan Cahill. Fortress Australia: Welcome to Groundhog Day. Ways to claim a country: Gillian Cowlishaw reflects on the settler consciousness of place and origin. The first people in America may have been Australian. Australia is a country blighted by racism, yes, but one also ennobled by Wanja's brand of fighting spirit and invigorating humour. From UN Chronicle, an article on Australia's First People and their social and emotional well-being (and more). From Quadrant, a review of The Last Intellectuals: Essays on Writers & Politics by Peter Coleman; a review of Lazarus Rising: A Personal and Political Autobiography by John Howard; a review of Dangerous Dreamers: The Australian Anti-Democratic Left and Czechoslovak Agents by Peter Hruby; and an article on the Royal Family of Australian Communism. There are some amazing magazines out there: Do we really need the magazine Concealed Carry Handguns in Australia? Embedded anthropology and the intervention: Barry Morris and Andrew Lattas on cultural determinism and neo-liberal forms of racial governance (and more). From Strange Maps, Frank Jacobs on “useless” Australia. In Australia, ethics classes are opposed by religious groups.