
I’ll show you my genome

Michael Henry (St. John's): Biotechnology and the Reconstruction of Humanity. Evan Charney (Duke): Behavior Genetics and Post-Genomics. Susan M. Wolf and Jeffrey P. Kahn (Minnesota): Genetic Testing and the Future of Disability Insurance: Ethics, Law & Policy. Jennifer Hochschild and Maya Sen (Harvard): Public Reactions to Innovations in Science: Genomics, Race, and Identity. An interview with Sheldon Krimsky and Tania Simoncelli, authors of Genetic Justice: DNA Data Banks, Criminal Investigations, and Civil Liberties. A review of Here is a Human Being: At the Dawn of Personal Genomics by Misha Angrist. On the 10th anniversary of the Human Genome Project, we ask: where are the therapies? I’ll show you my genome — will you show me yours? Craig Venter as the new Henry Ford: His "synthetic life" is a cell with an entirely manufactured genome — and what it can become is the world's smallest production line. What does it mean to be human? The sequencing of the Neanderthal genome helps scientists answer the age-old question. The Denisovan Code: Researchers decipher DNA of mysterious human ancestor, not Neandertal, but a new, recently extinct human (and more and more). A fistful of teeth: Do the Qesem Cave fossils really change our understanding of human evolution? (and more) All change: Theories of human ancestry get an overhaul. Razib Khan on how classifying humanity is not that hard.