
Pushing higher education

Why aren't US students rioting over crazy tuition hikes like college kids in Europe? An interview with Edward J. Carvalho and David B. Downing, authors of Academic Freedom in the Post 9/11 Era. The fruits of Californication: The Golden State's mix of public planning, spin-off innovation and private excellence has made it one of the global academy's powerhouses — but funding cuts threaten the University of California's pre-eminence and the precious balance of an interconnected system. The assault on ethnic studies is unwise and undemocratic. Boxing proves a hit for French sociologist: The experience of being a novice boxer in a gym in Chicago encouraged Loic Wacquant to punch out a book. The New UN University: It’s not exactly Model UN, but since November the United Nations has given colleges a new way to work with the organization. Stop defending the liberal arts: Mary Crane cares deeply about disciplines that feel under attack, but thinks they would be better served by focusing on improving them. Universities throughout the world are becoming part of a global community — is this "McDonaldisation" a negative phenomenon? Jonathan Fitzgerald on God, money, and power beneath the Empire State Building. The perils of unleashing students' skepticism: Doubt can become a Frankenstein that turns on its creator. Does pushing higher education for everyone actually make it tougher for poor students to enter the middle class?