
Being replaced

A new issue of Ryerson Review of Journalism is out. From the International Journal of Business and Social Science, Amy Rummel and Frances A. Viggiani (Alfred): Generational Warfare: The New Workplace. The first chapter from Augustine's Confessions: A Biography by Garry Wills. The bond market shows why John Boehner saying "we’re broke" is wrong. March Madness always the same: Why is it that the same teams seem to dominate the annual men's collegiate basketball tournament? The new humanism: Researchers are coming up with a more accurate view of who we are and are beginning to show how the emotional and the rational are intertwined. KKKat Fight: White power fashionista John Galliano Vs. white power fashionista Gavin McInnes. Faber has just published an important new edition of Ezra Pound’s poems; how did this man of repulsively fascist politics produce the kind of lyrical writing that transformed literature in the 20th century? Why the "price of sex" is at an all-time low: Mark Regenerus on hooking up, marrying down, and the effect of women’s success on our sex lives. A look at how armies of expensive lawyers are being replaced by cheaper software. An interview with Cherif Bassiouni, author of The Institutionalization of Torture by the Bush Administration: Is Anyone Responsible? It's Congress, not the president, that is a threat to democracy: Matthew Yglesias reviews Bomb Power: The Modern Presidency and the National Security State by Garry Wills and The Decline and Fall of the American Republic by Bruce Ackerman. Gay sex is happening: Will a post-Don't Ask, Don't Tell world be like the line to audition for American Idol? A license to shampoo: Jobs needing state approval rise. Aggregated Robbery: Is The Huffington Post ruining journalism?